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Elf on a shelf...or better self?

Even before Halloween had disappeared, “Christmas” started popping up in the stores.  Elves replaced ghosts.  We have all commented, “It seems Christmas comes earlier every year.”

But Christmas is not a moveable feast.  It comes at the same time each year, at least on the calendars hanging on our walls.  But retailers have their own time table.  

The schedule in stores is not driven by a calendar as much as by a calculator. 

In 2021, Americans spent 1.1 trillion dollars on Christmas.  That kind of money motivates stores to jump start Christmas early.  But, starting Christmas early is not all bad.

Hearing Christmas carols in the stores reminds us how hopeful the message of Christmas really is.  No, we do not have to shop early but we can certainly begin to hope early.  The early start sends the message that the world still needs Christ to be born again or better to come again.

December 1 was the first Sunday of Advent.  It is called the “Sunday of Hope.”  But it is not the kind of hope spotted on a shelf or found online.  That kind of hope does not truly help us.  What should we really be hoping for?  Better stuff or a better self?


Mark Ross


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