I work with nearly 40 people, mostly men. While some of us have eaten enough tacos to look “gordo” or pregnant, no employee has ever given birth in our 30 year history. Until this year.
This Christmas, a woman in our office has been expecting. And last week she delivered. She was the one who was pregnant but we were also expecting. Expecting wonderful news for her and her child. None of us were disappointed.
Before Jesus was born, the Hebrews were also expecting. They were expecting the Messiah. Their prayers were answered when a child was born in Bethlehem. We know the story.
We do not know what Paul Harvey used to call, “The Rest of the Story.” The story began with the birth of Jesus, but it did not end with the death of Jesus. The New Testament says he will return. If we take that seriously, then we are still expecting. Expecting Him, again!
Mark Ross