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No Blank Check

Recently, I lost a friend over Gaza.  He was fine with me condemning Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel.  But he was shocked that I dared to criticize Israel over the deaths of children in Gaza.

The Bible does not have a “hands off policy for Israel.”  Not only did God call Israel on the carpet but God punished Israel.  With God, no one is given a blank check, no matter what their name.

Yes, God in the Old Testament chose Israel over other nations.  Why?  Not because of who they were but because of who they were not.  They were not large nor particularly good.  God chose them to say something about God’s love and grace not to say anything about Israel’s goodness.

Yes, Jesus said he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel.  But he also went to Gadarenes, to Samaria, to Gentiles, and to any place or people who would listen.  Often, that was not Israel.

Not all Palestinians are members of Hamas, just like not all Baptists are narrow-minded, fundamentalists.  Nor all Republicans are heartless conservatives.  Nor all Democrats are headless liberals.  Jesus said, “I have sheep not of this fold.”  God does not play favorites.


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