Robert Morris recently resigned as the founding pastor of a Dallas area megachurch. The church boasted attendance of over 100,000. Facilities, finances, it was all impressive.
Despite the thousands of people who attend services, one little girl toppled this giant. Reportedly, 40 years ago, as a young minister, Morris began molesting the 12-year-old in a home where he was a regular guest. The abuse lasted 5 years including over 100 incidents.
As an adult, the victim confronted Morris many times. On each occasion, the pastor blamed the victim and minimized the abuse by calling it an “inappropriate relationship with a young lady.” Only when the victim made her story public and the church realized that the “young lady” was a 12 year old child did the leadership of the church Morris founded insist on his resignation.
Some pastors demonize the LGBTQ community by falsley claiming that they are a threat to children. Ironically, some of the pastors who propagate this false narrative are the real threats themselves. Jesus referred to these pastors, not as shepherds but wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Mark Ross